Restorative Environmental Design (RED)

There is clear evidence of the psychological and physical impact our environments have on us, whether our communities, homes, where we work, where we learn, socialize and where we receive our healthcare.

Backed by extensive scientific expertise in the fields of psychology and technology, ENVALYS brings sustainable, healthy community development and structural planning processes to life, in a collaborative and holistic way through a new methodology called Restorative Environmental Design (RED).

RED, developed by ENVALYS’s founders, is a practical approach to design that is built on observed and measured data research and implementation. Through ENVALYS, it includes yet extends beyond 3D rendering and architectural VR walk-throughs to help architects, urban planners and engineers more easily share their projects, collect valuable feedback and conduct data analyses throughout all phases of their project design and development to help ensure a healthier future.

We accomplish this by


Applying scientific knowledge and environmental psychology to planning and design projects, through analysis of Human Building Interaction (HBI) and Human Environmental Interaction (HBE), to build healthier future communities.


Creating software solutions and tools, such as VRTerrain and VRPsychLab, that enable experiential, 3D visualization of future communities, planning and architectural projects.


cities that sustain us

ENVALYS was built on the foundation of the Cities That Sustain Us (CiSuUs) project, an international research and development project that started within Reykjavík University in 2013 in collaboration with Uppsala University in Sweden, the City of Reykjavík, Djúpavogshreppur municipality and TGJ, a design, consulting and research firm.

ENVALYS and Cities That Sustain Us has received grants from the Icelandic Research Fund (2014-2016) and the Technological Development Fund (2017-2019; 2020-2021; 2021-2022).

The project’s main goals are


To apply scientific knowledge on people’s experiences to planning and designing projects.


Software development and solutions that facilitate research on the interaction between people and the environment.


To conduct basic research on people’s experiences of the environment, to increase knowledge and understanding of this interaction. 


Here you can see and/or participate in the surveys currently running at Envalys.


Survey Reports from ENVALYS

Peer Reviewed Articles

Peer Reviewed Conferences

Student Projects